Committee of the voyage:


Miguel de la Quadra Salcedo


Padre Angel García

Embajador de Italia

Kitín Muñoz

Almirante Marcial Sánchez Barcaiztegui

Norberto Mallo (Pte. RFEM)

Giovanni Carenzio

José Mª Dutilh Jiménez
(Pte. RLNE)

Jesús Escarpa

Fernando Sánchez Dragó

Embajador de Marruecos

Jose Luis de Ugarte

Exma.Sra.Alcaldesa de Soria


Abel Antón

Alejandro Zunzunegui

Alejandro Agag

Alfonso de Vega Gil

Alfonso Fierro

Alfonso Zunzunegui

Almirante Poole

Almudena Cardenal

Alvaro Bultó

Alvaro Lorenzo

Alvaro Zunzunegui

Ana Villanueva

Antonio Jiménez de Belén

Antonio Sesma

Arturo Vert

Beatriz Orleans

Bertin Osborne

Carlos G. Calvo

Carlos Jimeno

Carlos Vert

Carmen Díaz Mares

César Pérez de Tudela

Caludio Tomasini

Conde de la Vega Grande

Condes de Ripalda

Consuelo Font

Coral Bistuer

Covadonga O'Shea

Dionisio Lara

Dolores de Carenzio
Donna Bradi

Duque de Aveiro

Duque del Infantado

Eduardo Sánchez Junco

Elena B. Skrynnik

Elisabetta Caltagirone

Emanuele Di Savoia

Embajador Bruno Le Clerq

Emilio Quesada

Faisal Ali Al-Mutawa

Fernando del Castillo

Francisco Berga

Francisco Cuvillo

Alvaro de Marichalar y Sáenz de Tejada

Pamplona (NAVARRA) 25 de Abril, 1961

General Sáenz de Tejada

Gonzalo Robles

Gonzalo Valdés

Ignacio Cartagena

Ignacio de Marichalar


Iñigo Afán de Rivera

Iñigo de Arteaga

Isidoro Arias

Jaime Otegui

Javier Hidalgo

Jean-Paul Geelen

Jaime Bienert

Jesús Hermida

  Jesus Ruiz de Burgos

Joaquin Capel

José A. Pujante

Jose Antonio Ruiz Berdejo

José Luís Ugarte

Jose Manuel Rico-Zorrila

Jose Manuel Jr.

Jose Maria Prado

Jose Maria Zornoza

Jose Miguel Moreno

José Muñoz

Jose Oneto

Jose Ramón de La Morena

Josema de la Infiesta


Josemi Rdz. Sieiro

Joe Martinez Atorrasagasti

Juan Fernandez de Cordova

Juan Fierro

Juan Imedio

Juan Inigo

Juan Ruiz de Burgos

Kaitin Nadal

Laura Archs

Lorenzo Abarca

Luis de Marichalar

Luis Valls

Manolo Conde

Maria de León

Maria del Mar Raventós

Maria Fernanda Fontcuberta

Mark Zeterberg

Mario Camacho

Marques de Cubas


Martín Fiz

Matías Prats

Max Persia

Max von Witgenstein

Melinda Ruspoli

Mercedes Bennasar

Miguel Angel Tobías

Miguel Goizueta


Monica Arduán

Nacho Cano

Nicolas Vallejo-Nagera

Nikita Mijailkov

Oliver Frolls

Patrik Klapp

Pedro Piqueras


Pepe Sainz

Pepote Ballester

Rafael del Castillo

Rafael Serrano

Ricardo Alvarez Maldonado

Ricardo de Olague

Roberto Bartolozzi

Sebastián Medina

Sergio Ferrero

Sonia Zunzunegui

Svante Borgeson

Teresa Alvarez de Toledo

Teresa y Gabi

Tico Medina

Tina Markov

Thomas Flaure


Ursula Salvador


Yolanda Font

Ana, Cecilia, Mónica y María

Blanca, Inés y Amalio

Felipe y Victoria

Silvia, Pablo, Inés y Javier

Delfinita, Ardillita, Leoncita
Initiative endorsed by:
    In collaboration with:  

Collaborating entities:

Real Liga Naval Española
Real Federación Española de Motonáutica

  Federazione Italiana Motonautica

Letter of the Navigator to the navigators

On behalf of the support team and myself, I wrote this simple letter to all of you internet users, navigators of life, of the sea, of dreams...

I wrote these lines after I had spoken with my admired friend Miguel de la Quadra Salcedo. We met last time after the horrible events on 23.01.2002. At the beginning of our conversation he told me (referring to the attacks in the US):"The world has made an unfortunate turn. This world has changed, making it look unreal and insecure. But are you still going along with this project?, and my response was affirmative; "of course Miguel", I answered. His immediate reaction filled me, once again, with power and emotion: " I am very happy Alvaro, these initiatives that are born from amibition, are very positive for our youths, and the rest of us. Keep it going!

Since 1993, when I first asked him for advice to carry out the first of my great maritime adventure, from then on Miguel has always been there for me. The first challenge was to navigate in solitary (without a supporting ship), from Seville to Genoa (Italy). It was a success and we achieved a new record for Spanish navigation. His advice, wisdom and power, always given from the nobleness of his mind and spirit, have been a source of energy in all my voyages. For that reason, Miguel presides over the committee of our Atlantic voyage, which constitutes a high honour for me and all those who are trying to make it become real. Thank you Miguel!

Our adventure will begin in Rome. The objective is to cross the Atlantic Ocean on board of a small craft of two and a half meters' size. Probably the smallest transatlantic ship. It will be the first time in history that someone tries to cross the ocean in a jet ski. Succeed, would mean a new world record.

For me it has been a dream since I began navigating in this type of craft in 1982. My first experience with this type of "embarkation" was in America, at the age of twenty. I soon felt that it would become my great passion and favourite sport. The first experiences started with going round a small island. I had the sensation of total complicity and symbiosis with the sea. The water sparkled on me. I didn't sail the was the sea that drove me. From that moment I dreamed to, one day, cross the Atlantic in a similar craft! For twenty years I have been trying to learn from the sea.I navigated much, alone with the horizon as a witness and the wind as a companion. I had the luck to live wonderful experiences; unique in their intensity and beauty. I have also been able to feel the fear, the anguish and horror of tragedy. Three years ago now, a dramatic accident, more terrible than one could ever imagine, turned off my natural happiness to live during many months. I believed that I would never navigate again. Neither in the Sea, nor in Life... Despair and frustration followed me for a long time. There were months of hard pain. Endless days of total solitude in front of the Cantabrian horizon where no more tears could help me with my essence...

But finally, with the help of God, a ray of hope came over me. The heart felt advice of my good friends (Kitin, Almudena, Javier, Fernando...) contributed to it. In a cold night, I was able to navigate again. I crossed from Ibiza to Mallorca. Alone, facing the sea and my fears. Since then, I have attempted to revive my drive. I know it will never come back to it's fullest but the challenge of crossing the Atlantic will help me fill the void in my heart. This challenge has given me back a lot of hope, courage, strength and belief in myself.

It has been many years of dreaming, preparation and learning. Now as I am writing these lines, I fear the threats awaiting me. I will navigate alone. During sixty days and always on my feet not to injure my spine at an average of fourteen hours a day... The support ship will follow me from a distance. From Rome to South Morocco, I practically wont see the support ship. I will coast alone, refuelling and eating in ports. Between Morocco and Barbados I will navigate near the nurse. I will feel absolute solitude. I will meditate in God's creations. I will be able to see the Creator's look in the line of the infinite horizon. I will face storms; the winds will roar without pity and tire me. I will fall off my craft many times. I will get up time after time...The cold water will freeze my body. Half of the time will be spent in the night; seven hours a day in front of the stars. Coasting lighthouses will be a goal. I will come across ships of all types. I will approach the fishermen to converse with them, so that they may transmit to me all their powers and wisdom. I will fear or relax when I see the whales, turtles, tunas, jellyfishes, sharks, flying fish, and dolphins... I will concentrate on my route, try to make no mistake and preserve the drive that moves me. I will face a thousand dangers and surprises that I cannot prepare for. The intense cold that will test my drive and will demoralise me. But I trust in that ray of hope that helped me once before.

It is not only an important adventure for me, but for all the people supporting me from so many different fronts. A new record for Spanish navigation will be attempted. There are many people that believe in its feasibility and are constantly contributing with their positive energy. We know some people have not appreciated our initiative. They have the wrong idea about the goals of this challenge. In this case, like in many others, they ignore the truth and they are not interested in knowing it. They have a preconceived opinion, and they fear to recognize they may be making a possible mistake. They are allowed to think differently. They don't want to, nor have to help us; in anyway we do not need their help. This isn't their trip. But we just request one thing from them: respect. The respect deserved by all honest initiatives. All effort is born from ambition and feeds from hope.

An old sailor who fought the war in the Spanish Navy told me: "This voyage will have been a success if you only manage to leave Rome. It will mean that you have tried". He is right, if I get to America, I will honestly recognize that there was a possibility of not achieving it. And if I don't make it, I will think that it could have been done. But none of this will happen unless I try it.

Now, trusting God, we raise the anchor leading to the horizon -Head West, head to the lands of dreams. Friends, thanks to all of you for your great help. We hope not to defraud you. We will try and do our best!

God Bless us! Alvaro


Alvaro de Marichalar y Saenz de Tejada is a Navarrese young man, who is in love with challenging ideas and the possibility of making them come true.

Since 1982, the sea and jet sky voyages have been his great passion. Small business manager since 1985, when he founded a pioneering company off the parabolic antennas market. He has always found time for his passion, and nineteen years of practicing and learning from the sea, have made him a well-known and grateful navigator in this type of crafts. He has established six sailing world records.

His current challenge is to travel from Europe to America. To cross the Atlantic in his "small ship", as he likes to refer to it, baptized "NUMANCIA".

The Atlantic has always been a challenge in the history of sailing. In fact, navigators from other countries have also tried this odyssey. Nobody has succeeded yet. If Alvaro makes it, it would suppose achieving a new record in the history of Spanish navigation.

Challenge and adventure are assured, because Alvaro will try to cross the Atlantic on his small craft that resembles a dolphin; "When I see dolphins, day and night, all by myself a sensation of happiness and peace overcomes me. They come right besides me, and follow me for hours..."

How did you come across with the idea of this adventure?
It is something that has been on my mind for many years now. It is my dream. A great goal that I will try to make real, with the help of wonderful people. Kitin Munoz, Miguel de la Quadra Salcedo, the Admiral Marcial Sanchez Barcàiztegui, all my friends, the fantastic support team, the sponsors that trust and support this initiative, and in general, everybody who appreciates the effort that is born from this ambition.

And at what stage is the project?
We are preparing everything. General logistics; the support ship & recruiting it's crew; finding sponsors; video production...

What are your feelings about it?
They are a mixture of serenity and restlessness. Serenity comes from the magnitude of the project. The restlessness comes from the fact that it will be hard to achieve it. I will pass through very hard and risky moments. It won't be easy to resist standing for so many hours, so many days, the intense cold, the relentless pounding of the unexpected waves, the night, the roar of the towering wind, the constant plunges, fear...But ambition deals with everything. Now, I have to train with dedication to resist and not fail.

Can you describe us how the trip will be?
The journey will be of 10.000 Nautical Miles. It will take, depending on the state of the sea, about 60 days. I will navigate for about 14 hours a day. Always on my feet. That's the only way of not destroying my spine. I will try to begin "the crossing" at the end of October, the best time of the year to cross the ocean.

Although it seems taken from a movie, have you thought of the possibilities of finding sharks along the way, and how well prepared are you?
There is never a 100% guarantee of safety when it comes to dealing with some of nature's dangerous creatures and their unexpected behaviour, but I am prepared to my best to confront these risky situations. I am also taking with me a device issuing ultrasounds that prevents them from coming closer. It is a Doctor Gruber invention that the Aquarium of Barcelona has provided me with. Hopes are that God will keep them far, mainly at night, when I plan to sleep close to where they swim...

During the navigation period between the two continents, I will sleep alone in a raft that will be tied to the support ship 100 meters away. To live under those extreme conditions is one of the hardest aspects of the adventure. Although I will navigate far from the ship, every four hours they will have to approach for the supply of fuel, water and food.

To familiarize myself to sleep under those conditions and to accustom the skin to the salted water, I will be living in the sea during the four weeks previous to the start of the voyage. Autonomy will come from a solar badge that will allow me to recharge navigation and communication equipment. I will train about 8 hours daily for two months and put on weight to counteract loss during the voyage.

Since 1992, Alvaro's voyages have been made in support of the FAD (The Foundation for Aid Against Drug Addiction). For one more year, we will try to transmit the spirit of adventure, sport and faith in our ideas, in-line with the campaigns of prevention against the consumption of narcotics. When the voyage is finished, chats in schools and universities will be organized.

Also, Mensajeros de la Paz, with Padre Angel in the front line will be source for drive, thrills and power in this oceanic challenge.

For that reason, the Encounter Atlantic organization team feels a promoter of peace and will be collecting funds aimed at social works in America.

The Spanish National Drug Plan promoted by the Interior Ministry endorses this initiative.

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