Swiss Perfection



Our sponsors make it possible for us to be the first Atlantic voyagers in a small ship of 2,5 length meters. They have faith in our possibilities. Being conscious that no success is guaranteed for the adventure, they share their illusion with all of us that are trying to achieve the challenge. They have decided to go aboard with us in an unique voyage. With all the consequences.

Aware of the risks, but with firm aspiration of arriving to good port. They are giving us the strength to get a new record for the Spanish and European sailing history. All efforts will be given and their spirit will escort us to a dream that is also theirs.

We feel deeply grateful and honored by their support. We will put all our ability and effort to not defraud them. The fact of trying it is already a small achievement. God willing we can, also, to arrive in America...

On behalf of all the members of the supporting team and myself, thank you friends.

Alvaro de Marichalar

AirEuropa. For fourth serial year, AirEuropa supports with determination the challenges that suppose these trips. Thanks to Javier; his interest, spirit, power and happiness encourages us. With AirEuropa three sailing records has been achieved. We have navigated from Canaries to Bilbao in 1998; from Majorca to Sardinia and back in 1999; and we have crossed the Channel of Panama in 2000.

JETS MARIVENT - BOMBARDIER: Since 1992 Jets Marivent trusts this sailing type in solitary on board jet sky. It is ten years of support and spirit. Thank you mainly to Oliver that never doubted of the possibilities.

TELTRONIC. Santiago, Ignacio, José Manuel... All of them have transmitted us their energy and illusion to be able to cross. Zaragoza accompanies us!

The University "SEK", supports our iniciatives since 1998. His president and good friend of mine, Jorge Segovia, has always been encouraging us to keep up with the same illusion and effort we have and put on in reaching our commom dream. Therefore, we expect the students in Europe and America to be part of this adventure by giving and transmitting us all their energy, force and good will, all the way during the travesy.

Europa Cauzioni. From the first moment they saw that we could try it and even do well... thanks to Alberto, Carmen and Humberto. Italy and Barcelona on board.

LIVEMAR. Since 1998, Eusebio and Miguel have colaborated in crossings. Theirs advices and material is very important for us.

DIET. Juan and Toni are from 1997 embarked. Their dietary products and their spirit have given us all the needed calories.

ASISA. At the first time Manuel went aboard. They help us in medical security aspects, so important in any adventure.

GLOBALSTAR. To communicate when it is "outside of covering"; and it will be quite frequent in the Atlantic, we will use telephony via satellite.

PUNTO Y SEGUIDO. They don't only embroider the logos from our sponsors at perfection; Isabel and Paco take several years sharing the burdens and inherent uncertainties to all organizational process. They always have the fair word besides the beloved smile.

INSTITUTO DE GESTIÓN DE LA INFORMACIÓN, makes possible that we can watch and read all this. And they make it possible by means of the dedication, imagination and many hours of "electronic fight". They are the webmasters, and very much more. They are our voice and eyes so that you can live our "Encuentro Atlántico".

All and each one of these sponsors are as goodas they are. Monetarilly and morally. If we are trying it, it is in good measure thanks to them.

@ Contact with Atlantik2001