31 de Mayo

Chus me dice que todo lo que puede hacer aquí está terminado. Necesita cambiar dos piezas de las que ya no le queda repuesto porque se usaron en la travesía atlántica. Las tienen en Puerto Rico y tendremos que esperar a llegar allí para sustituirlas. En cualquier caso me confirma que podré navegar las doscientas millas que me separan de San Juan con las piezas que tenemos ahora.


31 of May

Chus tells me that everything he had to do is finished. He needs to change two pieces of which no longer he has not a spare part because they were used in the Atlantic passage. They have them in Puerto Rico and we will have to hope to arrive to replace them there. In any case he confirms me that I will be able to sail the two hundred miles that separate San Juan with the pieces that we have now.