Día 14 de Julio

Hoy he navegado hasta Wilmington donde he llegado a puerto con las banderas de España y EE.UU. Estaba feliz de estar otra vez en Carolina del Norte, porque hace 20 años visite en la preciosa ciudad de Asheville a la familia de mi buena amiga Sallie Lee (descendiente del famoso general Lee) y me fascinó este estado. Tiene algo especial. La gente es muy educada y elegante. Las casas son preciosas y se respira buen gusto en todas partes. La etapa de hoy ha sido menos larga que otros días. He navegado 85 millas nada mas. He pasado por Sunset Harbor; Yaupon Beach y Southport. Mañana me espera el cabo Hatteras que es el punto más peligroso de la costa estadounidense. Veremos como esta la mar..


  Monday, July 17th - Myrtle Beach)---- Crowds are continuing to grow as the Count gets closer and closer to New York City. The journey was almost held back when Alvaro fell into the river as he was leaving Wilmington. It took a fight with the river's current before he finally managed to catch up to his Sea Doo. Fascinated by the beauty of the landscape he was surrounded in yesterday, for the first time Alvaro took the intercoastal route the entire day, and made his way to Myrtle-Beach,NC. Alvaro said it rained the whole time and even started to storm. "With the speed, the rain almost felt like bullets were hitting my face." With a few minutes to spare because he was ahead of schedule Alvaro took the time to stop along a dragging boat astonished by the scale of the engineering that created and now maintains those great east coast waterways. The band struck up as the Count made his way into the Marina, carrying both the US and Spanish flags, sharing the spirit of Tolerance and Unio