6 de Julio
Todo anda sobre ruedas en cuanto a la reparación de la "NUMANCIA". He
decidido cambiar todo el sistema de navegación e instalar un nuevo GPS.
También he sustituido la radio de comunicaciones y voy a llevar dos VHF
portatiles por si acaso.. Alex esta trabajando muy bien. Conoce la
embarcación y sabe lo que hace. Está reforzando muchas partes del casco que
han quedado muy debiles después de las 650 horas de navegación que lleva
nuestra embarcación encima. Parece que ya puedo planificar la salida hacia
el norte. Pensé zarpar el 7 de Julio (por razones obvias) pero todavía hay
que esperar un poco para dejar nuestro barquito en plena forma. Estoy
pensando zarpar el Martes día 9. La ruta sera la siguiente:
Dia 9: Miami a Melbourne
Dia 10: Melbourne a St. Agustine (Primera ciudad española en los EE.UU.)
Dia 11: St. Agustine a Charleston
Dia 12: Charleston a Wilmington
Dia 13: Wilmington a Virginia Beach
Dia 14: Virginia Beach a Atlantic City
Dia 15: Atlantic City a Southampton
Dia 16: Southampton
Dia 17: Southampton a Nueva York
Van a ser muchas millas en pocos días. Tendré que navegar muchas horas al
día y descansar poco. Me impondré un ritmo parecido al que lleve en el
tramo Puerto Rico - Miami, donde navegué más de 200 millas de media al día.
Espero resistirlo y poder llegar a Liberty Island (Isla de la Libertad) con
las banderas de España y Navarra; y las de todos los paises que hemos
recorrido hasta llegar aquí..
6 of July
Everything is going very well as far as the repair of the " NUMANCIA " I have decided to change all the positioning system and to install a new GPS. Also I have replaced the radio of communications and I am going to take two VHF portable in case something happens. Alex is working very well. He knows the boat and he knows what he does. They are reinforcing many parts of the helmet that have been very weak after the 650 hours of navigation that takes our boat above. It seems that already I can plan the exit towards the north. I thought to weigh anchor the 7 of July (for obvious reasons) but still is necessary to wait a little to leave our small boat in well form. I am thinking to weigh anchor Tuesday day 9 the route will be the following one:
Day 9: Miami to Melbourne
Day 10: Melbourne to St. Agustine (First Spanish city in the U.s.a..)
Day 11: St. Agustine to Charleston
Day 12: Charleston to Wilmington
Day 13: Wilmington to Virginia Beach
Day 14: Virginia Beach to Atlantic City
Day 15: Atlantic City to Southampton
Day 16: Southampton
Day 17: Southampton to New York
Is going to be many miles in few days. I will have to sail many hours everyday and to rest little. I will prevail a rate similar to that I took in the section Puerto Rico - Miami, where I sail more than 200 miles everyday. I hope to resist it and to be able to arrive at Liberty Island (Island of the Freedom) with the flags of Spain and Navarre; and those of all the countries that we have crossed until arriving here.